
Sunday, December 8, 2013

1st Day of Christmas Cookies: Tessa's Lemon Cookies

Ok, let's just get this out of the way...


Ok we did that. 
Apologizes that I haven't blogged in few weeks, and 
I completely missed Thanksgiving! Ah!

But moving on to The Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 

I've got tons of great stuff to share with you to help you celebrate 
and get into the Christmas spirit! 

And one thing I am MOST excited about is that we will be 
celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas Cookies

That's right! starting today, thru December 20th, 
we will be sharing some AWESOME Christmas cookie recipes! 
And the best part? 
I won't be the only one sharing! 
Some of the dear women in my life have volunteered
 to contribute some of their favorite cookie recipes! 
I can hardly wait to get started! 

But let's do it! 
Today, my good friend Tessa is kicking off this party! 

Matt and I met Tessa and her husband Ryan 
not long after we moved to Ohio through our church small group. 
They quickly became some of our closest friends in town. 
We love, Love, LOVE hanging out with the Gilmers. 

Ryan and Tessa also have an almost 6 month 
old precious baby girl, Regan! 

Aren't they just the cutest little family?! 

Check out Tessa's Lemon Cookies! Yum, yum YUM!

Since having Regan, Ryan and I have had baking dates 
in an effort to spend some special time together while still caring for Baby Rey.  
Ryan and I chose a recipe from his Great Grandpa Bob Miller to share.  
This is the recipe:

Tessa's Lemon Cookies

Shopping List:

2 C sugar

1 C butter

1 T grated lemon peel

1/4 tsp. vanilla

2 eggs

3 1/2 C flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cream of tartar

1.  Blend first 6 ingredients.
2.  Stir in last 4 ingredients.
3.  Chill 1 hour.
4.  Form into small spoonfuls.
5.  Dip in sugar.
6.  Bake at 325 for 15 minutes.

They really seemed to enjoy sugar and butter, 
so I would suggest cutting down a bit on both!  
The first batch we (Ryan) made the spoonfuls way too big, 
and because they bake at such a low temperature, 
they just turned into one massive cookie that didn't bake all the way through.  

The next batch we filled our cookie scoop about 3/4 full 
and the cookies came out much better.  
You can always leave them in a bit longer depending on your oven.  

Merry Christmas and happy eating!

XOXO Tessa


Thanks so much for sharing Tessa! 

I seriously can't get over how fun this is going to be! 

See you tomorrow for the 
2nd Day of Christmas Cookies: Christmas Crinkle Cookies!

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